+33 (0)2 31 15 22 30


They travelled with us  :


BINCHE HIGHSCHOOL (Belgium) – Italy – April 2018 :

Skilled coach drivers. Quality of services in hotels is between good and very good.

Good visit schedule and the guides were perfect.

The trip was well organised and we had a very good contact with the agency.

DOUALA HIGHSCHOOL (Cameroon) – Italy – April 2017 :

Very good coach on site. The hotel in Rome was fine but the room for the breakfast was too small for the group. Very nice hotel in Campania. 

Excellent organization and contact with the agency.

SCHOOL FROM THE HAAG (Netherlands) – Sicily – June 2017 :

Thanks for everything, the trip went very well on the whole.

BUDAPEST HIGHSCHOOL (Hungary) – Berlin – May 2016 :

Decent accomodation. Very good organisation. The agency were responsive and had a good follow-up. 

MADRID HIGHSCHOOL (Spain)- Strasbourg (F)/Lake Constance (D) – March 2016 :

Very good quality of service for transport and accomodation. Visits and guidance were very well. 

Good organisation and contact.

 – : We received the documentation quite late

 + : Very good services for the booking of plane tickets and the schedule adjustment.